On International Women’s Day, The Left in the European Parliament is launching a new monthly newsletter, My Choice: Free, safe and legal abortion

Every month, The Left will deliver to your inbox freshly baked hot takes, insider tips from the European Parliament and stories that inspire hope, rage, and fierce, feminist action. 

The right to abortion is under attack, but the feminist fight is strong and vibrant! 

This month, to start with the good news, Left MEP Idoia Villanueva (Podemos, Spain) explains the new Spanish abortion law and we outline progress the European Parliament is making on the Istanbul Convention. 

Our “one to read” is about  anti-choice groups using Google adverts to target pregnant women. We revisit the struggle of French feminists, and we dive into how a challenge on TikTok became a symbol of sisterhood.

For a sneak peak at the first issue, see here. You can sign up for volume two here.

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Mon corps, mon choix