Gabi Zimmer, President GUE/NGL, invites you to a press conference
STOP TTIP, CETA, TISA: For a citizen's trade agenda
Tuesday 9/12/14, 10:30, EP Press Room, Bxl
Susan George, Transnational Institute, Amsterdam, Board President
Priscilla Bittar, Conseil central du Montréal Métropolitain
Dr. Michael Efler European Citizens´ Initiative Stop TTIP
TTIP, CETA and TISA represent the affirmation of the primacy of investors over popular sovereignty, in other words the rights of citizens and workers. Institutional barriers are not enough. We need to field a strong social opposition and in the coming months it will be very important to draw up a counter-information strategy.
GUE/NGL press officer:
Gianfranco Battistini + 32 475 646628