European Council preparation

Progress on equality between women and men 

Dimensions and weight of road vehicles 

Participating MEPs

Gabi Zimmer, GUE/NGL President 

Ángela Vallina

Merja Kyllônen


GUE/NGL PRESS CONTACT : Gay Kavanagh + 32 473 842320

[email protected]


Gianfranco Battistini
GUE/NGL press officer + 32 475 646628
[email protected] 

Events & Press Conferences ·

Peace & sovereignty high on agenda for Left gathering in Basque Country

Press Conferences ·

Briefing GUE/NGL 24/11 - Manon AUBRY and Martin SCHIRDEWAN, Co-Presidents

Press Conferences ·

GUE/NGL Press Briefing 20/10