
Following a request from French right and center parties, the vote for the election of the third Vice Chair of the committee has been postponed until September. Why do they want this delay? To silence human rights defenders and the Palestinian voice.

Left MEPs Rima Hassan and Isa Serra have been appointed as coordinators of the Human Rights Committee. In this key political role, they will be able to influence European policy-making in favor of a geopolitics of peace, without double standards in terms of respect for human rights and international law.

Rima Hassan is the first Franco-Palestinian MEP. She is a lawyer specializing in international law and has been a human rights defender for many years. She is a respected figure, notably due to her extensive experience in advocating for the Palestinian cause. Given the situation in Gaza, it is crucial that the committee represents the diverse voices and concerns of the community it serves.

The recent decision of the International Court of Justice has found serious violations of international law by Israel against the Palestinians, including, for the first time, determining that Israel is responsible for apartheid. More than ever, we must amplify the Palestinian voice.

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Rima Hassan

La France Insoumise